Alpha-numeric Character Study of the Ransom Note


                                                                                        First Page

                                                                                          3 types

1. RN11F.jpg (11501 bytes)

        The top bends over sharply to the right. No tail at bottom. On some of these note that the stem doesn't end at the bottom on the down stroke but ends as the pen turns back up leaving a "hook" at the bottom of the stem.

nancy_F1.jpg (42583 bytes)Nancy's.

2olivaF1.jpg (2199 bytes)Oliva's capital F

2.RN12F.jpg (2033 bytes)

        The top is curved over. No tail.

nancy_F2.jpg (13085 bytes)

2olivaF2.jpg (7652 bytes)Oliva

2olivaF3.jpg (3474 bytes)Oliva

On these the "upstroke" from the bottom of the stem is very apparent


3.RN13F.jpg (2386 bytes)

        The top is bent sharply as in the first row and a tail is added to the bottom.


Second Page

4. RN21F.jpg (1892 bytes)

        The first capital "F"


RN22F.jpg (20782 bytes)

Same as type 1 on the first page

nancy_F1.jpg (42583 bytes)Nancy's.


RN23F.jpg (3028 bytes)

Same as type 2 on the first page

nancy_F2.jpg (13085 bytes)Nancy's.


                                                                                                            Third Page

RN31F.jpg (8028 bytes)

Same as type 1 on first page. My guess is that, since this form is by far the most prevalent and is exclusively the type used on the last page, this is the true style of the RN author.


2olivaF1.jpg (2199 bytes)Oliva's capital F. The above could be made very simply by continuing the crossmember across the stem.