Alpha-numeric Character Study of the Ransom Note
First Page: The h's
1.RN. Leans back
Oliva's backward leaning h's with script type loop. The
humps are characteristic-compare row 1 with #6
2.RN. Then leans forward.
Oliva. Compare 1st. hump with # 8 in row 2. Also 2 hump
with #'s 3, 6 & 8 of row 2.
3.RN. More or less straight up & down
Oliva's staright up & dn. h's without a loop. hump of
first character similar to that of #8 on RN 2nd. row. Hump of 2 same as #4 on 2nd. row.
Third hump starts in middle of stem instaed of at the bottom-similar to the h two rows
4.RN. Stem bends backward then forward
Oliva. Stem bends in middle similar to those above on row
5.RN. Stem flies backwards.
6.RN. Dwarfs
Second Page: The h's
RN. The majority lean forward. One hump starts in the middle of the stem. The the bottom. The 3 at the left had a weak upper stem probably due to reproduction problems but these humps also start in the middle.
Oliva. compare first h with #'s 5, 9, 16 & 17 in row
Oliva. see #'s 5, 9, 14, 16 & 17 in row 1.
2.RN. These are about to fall over.
Third Page: The h's