Alpha-numeric Character Study of the Ransom Note

                                                                                                  First Page: The d's

Rnd11.jpg (6310 bytes)

RN. The stem curves s;ightly to the right. A nice little squiggle in one.

Rnd12.jpg (2772 bytes)

RN.The stem is straight.

nancy_d1.jpg (22487 bytes)Nancy's.

Rnd13.jpg (9002 bytes)

RN. The stem curves left.

2olivad1.jpg (11924 bytes)2olivad2.jpg (1740 bytes)

Oliva d's

nancy_d2.jpg (17284 bytes)Nancy's.


                                                                                            Second Page: The d's

Rnd21.jpg (12194 bytes)

RN. The stem curves left

nancy_d3.jpg (20886 bytes)Nancy's.

Rnd22.jpg (7555 bytes)

RN. The stem is straight

2olivad3.jpg (1504 bytes)Oliva's straight d

nancy_d4.jpg (21899 bytes)Nancy's.


Rnd23.jpg (8392 bytes)

RN. The stem curves s;ightly to the right.



                                                                                             Third Page: The d's

Rnd31.jpg (4593 bytes)

The stem curves left but has a hook.  The stem is straight.

Rnd32.jpg (6134 bytes)

The stem curves left


Rnd33.jpg (3744 bytes)

Two capital D's

2olivad4.jpg (2961 bytes)Oliva