Alpha-numeric Character Study of the Ransom Note

                                                                                                  First Page: The w's

RN11w.jpg (37388 bytes)

Type 1                                      Type 2                                                         Type 3

Type 4                                         Type 5                                                                             Type 6


The two w's on the left, top & bottom row, are considerably different from the rest. Both have the definite middle "upright" while the rest either have none or it is not

very pronounced. The w on the left bottom row is rather angular compared to the rest and the middle upright is taller than the ones on it's left or right. On that same

row are other w's with some angularity which is more generally more evident in the first upright. The w's on the top row are more "rounded" with some of them

having a higher left half side than right while others are level across the bottom. Most, but not all, have a flourish at the top of the last upright. Most of these curve to

the right yet three curve back over the letter.

So, I would call this a set of 6 different characters with a sub-set of left/right/no flourishes at the end.



                                                                                            Second Page: The w's



                                                                    RN12w.jpg (24276 bytes)

                                                                        Type 2  Type 2                                        Type 3

                                                                        Type 3  whole row______________________

                                                                        Type 7         Type 3    Type 3

                                                                        Type 5    Type 5                         Type 3    Type 3



More of the same but fewer flourishes. One odd looking angular w on the third row.



Third Page: The w's


RN13w.jpg (8883 bytes)

Two rounded, Type 2, one flourish right, one left, and two angular, Type 5.

Type 1, 4, 6, 7 seem to be calculated/forced. The true form W's seem to me to be Type 3 & 5 with 2 being a variation on 3.